【Verse 1】
Every sunrise writes the first line,
On a blank canvas, it's our time.
Fresh tracks on yesterday's snow,
Stepping forward, ready to go.

Here’s to the start, a brand-new heart,
Breaking the night, into light, we embark.
A journey of a thousand miles,
Begins right here, with hopeful smiles.

【Verse 2】
With every breath, a new chance,
In every step, a new dance.
Unlocking doors, dreams in sight,
Turning darkness into light.

Here’s to the start, a brand-new heart,
Breaking the night, into light, we embark.
A journey of a thousand miles,
Begins right here, with hopeful smiles.

Let the past be a gentle stream,
Washing away, in this new dream.
The horizon calls, loud and clear,
This is the moment, the start is here.

Here’s to the start, a brand-new heart,
Breaking the night, into light, we embark.
A journey of a thousand miles,
Begins right here, with hopeful smiles.


作曲してみた❤ 作詞作曲:葉月 タイトル:sunrise 毎週転スラ楽しみだよぉ(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) いつか楽曲提供させてもらいたい❤ #chatgpt #eurobeat #アイドル好きと繋がりたい #アニメ好きと繋がりたい

♬ sunrise - 原 葉月

#chatgpt #eurobeat #アイドル好きと繋がりたい #アニメ好きと繋がりたい

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